Inner space

Vast intestines crafted from fabric that’s part krama, part sarong and part mosquito net spill onto the gallery floor. These forms, says their creator Srey Bandaul, “look inward, seeing the body as a metaphorical site of tension”. The artist “speaks to the cycle of life whereby the psychological and cause and effect of outside forces meet. Using fabrics synonymous with daily life and the protection of the body… locates this tension in Cambodia’s communal consciousness, as well as more broadly within South Asia.” Bandaul’s Technicolour guts are intended to spark a critical dialogue on politics, both local and global, by suggesting how the digestion of external global influences can do serious internal damage. Keep your eyes peeled for a dash of performance art from Phou Cheany on opening night.

WHO: Artist Srey Bandaul
WHAT: Digestion exhibition and performance installation
WHERE: Romeet Gallery, #34E St. 178
WHEN: From 6:30pm March 26 (performance starts at 7pm)
WHY: It speaks to the cycle of life


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