FRIDAY 30 | Euan Gray, frontman of Brisbane barefoot-in-the-sand band The Rooftops, gives more than a nod to his adopted home of Cambodia in many of his songs, from Rain Gambling to Monkeys & Elephants. “This could be my long-awaited push to finish some new songs I’ve been dreaming up,” he said before last week’s Vibe Music Festival at Doors. “I have half a chorus for a new song, called Paper Lexus. Last Chinese New Year, I saw people burning paper, factory made Lexuses along with fake money. All things will pass. Amazing symbolism: ironic and hopeful at the same time. I have another one that no one has heard yet called We Live Amongst The Tigers, about how ex-Khmer Rouge are everyday folk, driving our tuk tuks, planting rice, doing business; all trying to move on. ‘Working hard at moving on, working just as hard as anyone…’
WHO: The Euan Gray Trio
WHAT: Jazz meets pop
WHERE: The Groove, Terrazza, Street 282 & 51
WHEN: 9pm August 30
WHY: Almost as good as being barefoot in the sand