Just for laughs

TUESDAY 27 | Arizona survivor Tommy Dean “upgraded” to Australia 20 years ago and has since become one of Down Under’s most cherished stand-ups. He’s been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as having ‘more spin’ than cricket legend Shane Warne and has rubbed professional shoulders with comedy doyens Tim Alan and Rosie O’Donnell. “Not your stereotypical Yank, this is an American who eats Vegemite and understands cricket,” says fellow comic Jonathan Atherton, who helped launch the Comedy Club Cambodia. “His comedy is intelligent, insightful and as sharp as a tack.” Jetting in from the US to join Dean is Bob Kuboka, a journalism student-turned-stand-up from Arizona whose sly take on his own ethnicity is one of the most popular features of his act. Warming up the crowds for these international names are local comics Scotty Muldoon (UK), Laura J Snook (UK) and Sam Thomas (US). Bring your humeris.

WHO: Tommy Dean (AU) and Bob Kuboka (US) plus Scotty Muldoon (UK), Laura J Snook (UK) and Sam Thomas (US)
WHAT: Comedy Club
WHERE: Pontoon, Street 172
WHEN: 8:30pm August 27
WHY: Funny people doing what they do best

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