Sonic trip

THURSDAY 22 | It is the sort of sound you might expect to hear in deep outer space – the sound of planets aligning, synthesised notes rising and falling like an angel’s sigh. The muffled heartbeat of the bass throbs from deep within an echoing womb; a tambourine rattling past the microphone with a sudden metallic swoosh. High above it all a chirping flute swoops and soars, like some giant winged intergalactic thing. British composer Brian Eno’s choice of the word ‘ambient’ to describe his music, from the Latin ambire (‘to surround’), was a deliberate one: his were soundscapes that could alter your state of mind; put you into a ‘higher state’ – the sort of existential altitude usually associated with psychedelics. Inspired by John Cage, who occasionally composed by throwing the I Ching, Eno had made possible Clockwork Orange; Pink Floyd; The Orb and Aphex Twin; down-tempo chill-out designed to ease a tripped-out mind. Emerging custodians of that sound here include DJ Nicomatic, James Speck (on the splendidly named Korg Kaosillator) and Tim King (guitar), who collectively – under the moniker Electronic Universe – are perhaps Phnom Penh’s first and only live ambient fusion outfit. Joined for their first all-improvised show earlier this month by flautist Anton Isselhardt, their second gig will feature trombonist and could involve everything from Tibetan bowls to a singing saw. Says King: “When we’re doing this, I feel like Nico is the mothership and we’re just little spaceships flying around him, interacting.”

WHO: DJ Nicomatic, James Speck (Korg Kaosillator), Tim King (guitar) and Volker Müller (trombone)
WHAT: Live ambient fusion
WHERE: Meta House, #37 Sothearos Blvd.
WHEN: 9pm August 22
WHY: “Ambient Music is intended to induce calm and a space to think” – Brian Eno

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