Ties that bind

FRIDAY 2 | ‘To Marshall Kim Il Sung / I do honour / With all that’s in my heart / His Excellency / entertains me with brotherly kindness / his words are so inspiring / long live the marshall.’ These lyrics, penned almost four decades ago and released in 2011 in a digital archive by Australia’s Monash University, are testament to the extraordinary ties that once bound Cambodia and Korea (in this case, the North). Composed during the 1970s by Norodom Sihanouk, they hint at the intimate connection that existed between the two leaders, who shared a love of the arts (Il Sung placed an entire North Korean film crew at Sihanouk’s disposal during his flirtation with movie-making in the 1960s). Cambodia’s relations with the South may fall slightly short of the aforementioned bromance, but they are nonetheless warm – a fact celebrated with this evening’s Cambodia-Korea Friendship Concert. Hosted by the Music For One Foundation and the Royal University of Fine Arts, the night will showcase emerging orchestral talent from both countries. Reservations essential (call 089 429068 or 089 340530).

WHO: Emerging orchestral talent
WHAT: Cambodia-Korea Friendship Concert
WHERE: Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Centre, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Russian Boulevard
WHEN: 7pm August 2
WHY: “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy” – Ludwig van Beethoven

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