What women want

SATURDAY 14 | Start with nine girls from nine countries: Amina (Afghanistan), Yasmin (Egypt), Senna (Peru), Suma (Nepal), Ruksana (India), Mariama (Sierra Leone), Wadly (Haiti) and Cambodia’s very own Sokha. Pair them with writers from their country so the stories are told in their own words. Then top it off the celebrity voice-overs – including Cate Blanchett, Selena Gomez and Alicia Keys. Girl Rising, a 101-minute documentary directed by Richard Robbins and part of the 10X10 series, showcases girls who rise above all odds. They start from a beginning of abject poverty. Their various experiences include forced marriage, indentured labour, scavenging and sexual abuse. Then there is a definable moment for each. The stars align, a puff of ju-ju smoke appears, a whispered inshallah is uttered and their lives forever change. The nine heroines of the film emerge as powerful young women, in charge of their own lives, and able to make a contribution.

WHO: The fairer sex and their fans
WHAT: Girl Rising screening
WHERE: Meta House, #37 Sothearos Blvd.
WHEN: 7pm December 14
WHY: Given equal treatment, girls WILL change the world


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