Primates & pugilists

THURSDAY 6 | Violence and sensuality collide in the newest creation of noted choreographer Emmanuèle Phuon, who will join Kang Rithisal, executive director of Amrita Performing Arts, for informal discussions on contemporary Khmer dance at Java Cafe. Phoun is currently working on a new production based on the movements of traditional Khmer boxers and her dancers will give a five-minute preview of the current work. Additionally, Phoun will show video shorts of her previous performances –Khmeropedies I, II & III – and talk about the evolution of modern Khmer dance in general and her work in specific. Khmeropedies III: Source/Primate was a central part of last year’s Season of Cambodia festival in New York. K3 uses the movements and mannerisms of monkeys to reinvent the classical masked dance style known as lakhaon kaol. Phoun’s next production, based on movements within the boxing ring, is still in the early development stages, but already the flashes of grace that mesmerised audiences at the Guggenheim Museum are apparent.

WHO: Emmanuèle Phuon
WHAT: Contemporary Khmer dance
WHERE: Java Cafe, #56 Sihanouk Blvd.
WHEN: 6:30pm March 6
WHY: Get a sneak preview of Phuon’s next great piece

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