5 thoughts on “Ian Woodford, the man behind Maxine’s”

  1. Great piece, you captured Snow very well… As I guess for many other, I will always be his smile but more importantly he will always be for me a role model of swashbuckling freedom, decency, personal resilience and redemption

  2. What sad news that Snow has passed and thanks for the lovely respectful piece on him. Snow was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word and as you said above, would do anything if he considered you a friend. I was lucky to have counted him as one of mine in Phnom Penh from 1995 to 2001. Many cold tinnies were shared with Snow and much laughter. I’ll never forget one evening in the rainy season in Tom’s bar, waltzing with Snow to The Last Waltz and the two of us laughing like drains while a thunderstorm went on overhead. You were one in a million Snow and will be sadly missed. Rest in peace mate!

  3. Great article on a great man. I had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Ian Woodford, nickname “Woody” from 1975-1978 until leaving Sydney for San Francisco. My last night in Sydney at the Lidcombe Dancers Club, I was so drunk, Woody carried me over his shoulder out of the club and saw me off the next day at the airport.
    I got the news through an old girlfriend of Ian, who heard from Ian’s Mom Judy. His funeral was in North Ryde yesterday (Friday in Australia). What a wonderful person, I found him a few years back and we spoke for some time. I knew his mother and sisters well. I miss him.
    It’s funny that about a month ago, I found his old girlfriend on Facebook and she asked me if I had his contact information.
    R.I.P. Woody and Snow to your friends in Cambodia

  4. Beautifully captured Robert and Michael’s quote embodies Snow.
    I’m not sure the description “a few crazy-brave friends” was exactly accurate. Bored, drunk, reckless and missing the adrenaline that bought us here in the early 90’s may be a better depiction.
    Snow’s passing has provided the opportunity to reflect on our friendship and given all the dodgy situations I found myself in (coincidentally always in the company of Snow) the notion of mate-ship has never been in question.

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