Into the cold

The new Brown Coffee (number eight, for those keeping score at home) is more than just a yuppie brew house; it’s a master-crafted brand experience custom-made for the moneyed class, a place where cyclos and woven coffee-bean sacks are hip accoutrements of a cuppa, along with cold-brew stands, hazelnut lattes and soy vanilla strawberry frappes. New to Brown #8 is cold-drip brew and a full-on embrace of coffee-house trappings: a shiny, chrome bean-roaster sits in a glass display room; regional beans are displayed in small wicker baskets and cold-filtered gourmet joe is the house specialty. And it’s massive, with an uber-flash clothes boutique (hello, Paper Dolls) and a florist attached. Brown Coffee, Streets 51 & 294.


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