Part motorcycle showroom, part watering hole, Hangar 44 is the newest edition to Bassac Lane, the quaint, gin-soaked alley in Tonle Bassac that is quickly evolving into one of the capital’s most talked about night-time destinations. The motorcycles, all custom jobs, come from Moto Cambodge, a local outfit specializing in two-wheel customisations. It’s the kind of room a bachelor mechanic would dream of. The bar-and-bikes combination makes for a boozy garage ambience, with polished cement floors, corrugated tin walls and metal grating throughout. The cocktails come in stainless steel mugs and the ashtrays are repurposed piston heads. The club slogan is painted across the front window in uppcase letters: RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT. And after a few drinks and a few minutes eyeing the black-and-chrome beauty in the showcase window, you won’t be faulted for fantasing about kicking her over and crashing wildly through the showroom glass. Hangar 44, Bassac Lane.