My trash, your treasure

SUN 8 | Sundays are theoretically the perfect day for shopping. Realistically speaking, those of us who’ve thoroughly enjoyed our night before aren’t stepping foot inside a crowded, overly lit and somehow intimidating shopping mall.  The crew at Show Box probably know this feeling better than any of us, and henceforth have provided the goods with their inaugural Flea Market this Sunday. Browse a wide range of stalls selling very reasonably priced, locally-made and pre-loved items, including clothes, arts, crafts, jewelry, DVDs, skin products, food, teas and way more. Get amongst it and support ya locals!

WHO: Buyers and sellers
WHAT: Flea market
WHERE: Show Box, #11 St. 330
WHEN: 2pm Sunday 8
WHY: One guy’s trash might be your treasure

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