The wall behind the old parliament building is lined with makeshift al fresco eateries peddling deep fried meat on a stick and other goodness. Across the street, a burgeoning mid-market klatch is following suit. The Framed Art Cafe, an art and framing shop with half a dozen tables and a growing reputation for inexpensive fried meat and dollar draft, is the newest among them. The cafe’s walls are covered with ubiquitous watercolor landscapes and happy paintings, but also schwag-a-delic Cambodian Space Project posters and other pop-culture hangables. The menu is long and includes pastas and pages of local dishes. The deep fried seafood ($4.50) is everything you could ever want from a street-side cheap-eats place, and the fresh mango passion fruit freeze ($2) is yummy enough to be dessert. Framed Art Cafe, #14 Street 246.