FRI 24 | Some stories are called classics for a reason. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of those tales that only improves with age, and possibly also a ridiculously good-looking cast. They may not be DiCaprio and Danes, but the Phnom Penh Players crew sure give them a run for their money in equal parts charm and talent. And hey, why bother crafting a makeshift setting when the city already has an authentic backdrop in the form of the gorgeous Mansion Heritage Bar? If you haven’t revisited this production (or any theatre, for that matter) for a while, this one shouldn’t be missed. Attend its premiere night on Friday, or else catch it on Saturday 25th or May 1st or 2nd. Tickets are $10 and strictly limited, so grab them fast from FCC, The Willow Boutique Hotel, Laneway Boutique Guesthouse and Café Yejj.
WHO: Phnom Penh Players
WHAT: Theatre performance
WHERE: The Mansion Heritage Bar, cnr. St. 3 & St. 178
WHEN: 7pm, April 24
WHY: Quality theatre in a gorgeous setting is kind of like the flying spaghetti monster of PP entertainment. Catch it while you can.