Happy Anniversary, Nova! Here, have a world famous DJ…

SAT 06 | If you owned a club, who would you want spinning the decks at its 3rd Anniversary party? You brother’s mate? The guy who always seems to get a fairly good dance floor happening at that club you sometimes go to? All logical and relatively feasible options. Except if you’re the crew at Nova club, who thought, “What would Dr. Dre do?” Well, he’d get his official DJ to play, of course. So that’s exactly what they did. This Saturday, DJ Jam – DJ for Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and Warren G – will be dishing the beats for what’s bound to be a monumental occasion for all involved. After meeting Snoop in 1989 and collaborating with Dre a few months later, Jam was approached individually by both of the infamous rappers to be their tour DJ. If you really need more reason to see him, check out what he had to tell us on page 6.

WHAT: Nova’s 3rd Anniversary
WHERE: Nova Club, #19 St. 214
WHEN: 9pm, June 6
WHY: If you can’t trust in Snoop and Dre, what else is there?

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