2 thoughts on “Stepping up to a new stage”

  1. Kiev! About the school in La. where you were……the people who ran that place and all the officials who helped cover up what went on there are in some BIG TROUBLE. They have been reported on in the New Orleans Times Picayune several times within the last year.



    This is the homepage to a 5 day series that ran in the New Orleans Times Picayune in April of ’14. Links and tabs all over the page will take you to different parts of the series.


    There are so many of us who survived that place. We’re spread out all over the world. Get in touch with us.


  2. This is a film I cannot wait to see. Thank you for making this. As a New Bethany alumni myself, I can only imagine how this place has added to the mental anguish and coming to terms.

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