Giving a voice to the words

WED 20 | This month’s regular writer’s meet-up and open stage welcomes travelling poet Emily Weitzman and comedian Tony Morewood. New York-born Weitzman has travelled the globe as a teacher, performer and artist in residence at various arts organisations. Morewood identifies as a retired comedian, though the descriptor is questionable given that upon being re-inspired by our very city (you’re welcome), he’s now re-entered the stage with an all-new vigour and perspective. Since entering the comedy world in 1984, he’s worked alongside such comedy legends as Robin Williams, Steve Coogan, Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard and Mike Myers, and performed at Edinburgh Fringe Festival – a show which won him the highly esteemed Herald Angel Award. Don’t forget in all the excitement that the open stage is preceded by a writer’s meet-up at 6:30pm, followed by featured writers at 7:30pm. And it’s all for free. Boom.

WHO: Emily Weitzman & Tony Morewood
WHAT: Writers meeting, open stage readings & comedy
WHERE: Java Café, 56E1 Sihanouk Blvd.
WHEN: 7:30pm, May 20
WHY: Does a literary art scene make a sound if there’s no one there to hear it?

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