A sweetheart deal

The menu at Common Tiger opens with a quote from junkie genius extraordinaire William S Burroughs: “There is no intensity of love or feeling that does not involve the risk of crippling hurt. It is a duty to take this risk, to love and feel without defence or reserve.” Maybe the quote is a prologue to the meal, or just some random cool shit that South African chefs say before they serve you a Warhol-esque interpretation of starch and crustaceans. In contrast to the mix ‘n’ matched chairs, minimalist interiors and five-star menu, Burroughs’ wisdom ices the experience with a certain middle-brow authenticity that might otherwise go overlooked (the chef with tattoos on his wrist helps, too). The menu is two pages. The first has only one sentence (tasting plate, $40), the second lists a half dozen short-time culinary experiences (the menu changes regularly). No. 2 — poached prawns, yellow curry and smoked potato ($7) — is a small serving on a big plate. But quantity hardly matters. As Mr Burroughs would most certainly tell you, a sack full of cheap junk isn’t worth the trouble, kid. Go for the quality every time.

The Common Tiger, #20 Street 294; 023 212917.

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