Greek gods & iffy heroes

FRIDAY 6 | Crazy costumes, thrown sweets, interactive scenes and comedy cross-dressing. What more could you possibly wish for? Pantomime, at least in the UK, is as big a part of the Christmas tradition as turkey, tinsel and a tumbler of something potent for Santa. For the past decade the Phnom Penh Players have been bringing this seasonal English spectacle to Cambodia’s capital. This year’s incarnation, The Epic Pantomime, features Greek gods, an overconfident hero and at least one very questionable accent. What makes it so epic? Says Zak Kendall, Pantomania’s self-professed ‘greatest historian’: “By definition, an epic involves a hero on a cyclical journey or quest. The hero faces temptations and adversaries and returns home significantly transformed by his journey. Generally the hero learns or discovers something about himself that he didn’t realise before. An epic hero illustrates traits, performs deeds and exemplifies certain morals that are valued by society. Some of the greatest examples would be Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, or Beowulf… I can see by your blank expression that you have no idea what I’m talking about. Very well, it’s a little bit like the original Star Wars trilogy, although I promise you there are minimal Star Wars references.”

WHO: The Phnom Penh Players
WHAT: The Epic Pantomime
WHERE: Russian Cultural Centre, corner of Norodom Boulevard and Street 222 (tickets, $10, available at The Willow Boutique Hotel, Divine Pizza & Ribs, and The Flicks)
WHEN: 7:30pm December 6; 2pm and 7:30pm December 7


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