Flying high

FRIDAY 10 | Khleng Ek (‘unique kite’) are traditional kites in Cambodia, celebrated because they produce musical tones as they fly. These kites are flown to give thanks for bountiful harvests, symbolising freedom. And freedom is at the heart of a new project at Ragamuffin House. Called Songkites, it exists to encourage young Cambodian songwriters to express themselves ‘authentically through music’, the aim being for this new generation of musicians, under the guardianship of Australian-born jazz man Euan Gray, to record and release their own material. Tonight, a few of their number make a rousing public debut. Following the Songkites crew is Barbados-born doyenne of funk, soul and jazz, Rhiannon Johnson, alongside Durian drummer Greg Lavender, Barry Speirs on keys and Stephan Routtier on sax.

WHO: Songkites & Rhiannon Johnson
WHAT: All-new Cambodian tunes followed by funk, soul and jazz
WHERE: Doors, Street 84 & 47
WHEN: 8:30pm January 10
WHY: Let your song kite fly


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