Let’s dance

THURSDAY 13  | Austrian choreographer Helene Weinzierl, founder of the nation’s most well-travelled dance troupe, presents two pieces: Is It Me, and Think Fish Pt. 1. In the first, Yuri Korec performs ‘the identity conflict of the artist with his artistic figure, in the struggle of trying to find the true self.’ Think Fish Pt. 1, performed by Viviana Escalé, is ‘the story of the communication between a couple’. Both take the audience on ‘a journey of different interpretations of the same thing, which sometimes might lead to funny (mis)communication’. Tickets ($5) can be reserved via metaartcambodia@nullgmail.com.

WHO: Austrian choreographer Helene Weinzierl
WHAT: Is It Me and Think Fish Pt. 1 dance performances
WHERE: Meta House, #37 Sothearos Blvd.
WHEN: 8pm February 13
WHY: Embark on a journey of interpretation


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