Life through a lens

FRIDAY28  | For six months, peripatetic photographer Michael Klinkhamer has prowled the streets and alleyways of the Cambodian capital, camera in hand, dispensing to those who care to listen the ‘wisdom of the lens’. “‘You can’t go wrong here’ is a sentiment often expressed by photographers in Cambodia,” says Klinkhamer of his adopted home. “This exhibition is dedicated to all that has appeared in front of my lens over the last six months. My theme is very simple: common people, illusive monks, playing children, the vibrant and resilient Khmers in this time and place working towards a better future, welcoming, open to opportunities, keeping their dignity and their own identity.”

WHO: Michael Klinkhamer
WHAT: You Can’t Go Wrong Here photography exhibition
WHERE: FCC, #363 Sisowath Quay
WHEN: 5pm February 28 until March 31
WHY: You really can…

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