Deutsch bier

If anything has been forgotten in the capital’s SUV race to high-rise luxury and Gucci handbags, it’s well-crafted beer. German Beer Garden serves up a small slice of Munich with lush trees, long picnic tables and, of course, German brews. The menu is short – just Erdinger and Beck’s at the moment – but quantity is not the appeal. It’s the homemade German sausages, the thin-fried rosemary potatoes and the dark bubbly stuff. German Beer Garden, #28 Street 350.


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One thought on “Deutsch bier”

  1. The beer garden was reopened recently under a new management. Now “Ludwik” serves Paulaner Beer from Munich and Cambodia Beer together with German and Asian Food. On the 3rd of October 2014 “Ludwik” will celebrate the “Day of German Unity” with free draft beer between 6 – 10 PM.

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