Zeitgeist: Sweet mochi

Sweet mochi

Leave it to the Japanese to discover frozen desserts that need no freezing. Mochi balls are scoops of ice cream coated in sticky rice that, through the magic of Japanese food science, stay frozen even at room temperature. The sticky rice gives the mochi a sweet, chewy exterior. But inside, it’s all frozen, creamy happiness. Balls are $1. Kane Mochi deals in other sweets, too: straight ice cream (2 scoops for $2), sundaes, banana splits and other sundry sugar fixes. Even the massive ones are less than $5. Kane Mochi, #3 Street 302.

Zeitgeist: Bourbon Divine

Lone Pine, California, is a whiff of a town just north of Owens Lake on US Route 395, which stretches from the Canadian border down through the Sierra Nevada. The Lone Pine Cafe – Phnom Penh version – could have easily been plucked off the town’s Main Street. A friendly mom-and-pop diner, the cafe specialises in cuisine Americana: think Philly cheesesteaks, gumbo and po boys; pastrami & rye, pulled pork and burgers big enough to sleep on. The beer menu is just as good (Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Fat Tire, Hoegaarden), the bourbon list downright impressive. A bottle of Booker Noe uncut tops the list, but there are plenty of high-quality, small-batch sippers to choose from, including Baker’s 107, Knob Creek, and Woodford Reserve. Lone Pine Cafe, #14 Street 282.

Under The Willow, An Italian Paradise

“Certainly paradise, whatever, wherever it be, contains flaws. Paradisical flaws, if you like. If it did not, it would be incapable of drawing the hearts of men or angels.”

– Henry Miller

Now I’m not so sure dear old Henry would have written those words had he had the pleasure of an evening at The Willow. Tucked away on Street 21, mere yards from Sihanouk Boulevard, it’s a veritable refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city. Beautifully decorated and run by Eliza Mealey and her husband, and with executive chef Susi Phipps, whose CV includes a spell as Lauren Bacall’s personal chef at The Connaught in London, this is a premier league team producing premier results.

I happened in on a Thursday, in the company – and on the recommendation – of an old Kiwi friend from my former seaside haunts. Willow has started a new Italian promotion on Thursday evenings: every choice from a set menu at $3.50 per dish, a deal my thrifty Calvinist forebears would be happy with (though you wouldn’t actually see them crack a smile). With a cheeky nod at 1980s British-Italian restaurants, the tables are decorated in checked tablecloths (minus the old Chianti bottles with candles inserted, but I’m told they’re coming). Music is authentically Italian, and the only cheese is in the food.

And so to starters: a choice of chilled tomato and basil soup with garlic croutons, or bruschetta with mozzarella. I’ve never been a fan of cold soup (the drunken incident with the can of Heinz tomato and the 3am munchies does not count), but this was ambrosial indeed. No overpowering taste of basil and so obviously cooked from 100% fresh ingredients (The Willow buy all theirs fresh on a daily basis). Bruschetta is bruschetta, but this managed to be something a little more: a great combination of tastes that would have had me ordering a second portion if not for the thought of the impending main course.

A choice of three here, but my companion chose the same dish as me, so for now can only describe the fusilli Boscaola:pasta cooked to within milliseconds of perfection and served with pepper, ham and mushrooms in a white wine and cream sauce. I already have my favourite Italian venue in the Penh (won’t name it here), but this dish matched anything I’ve had there. I could easily have eaten another potion of this and not felt one iota of guilt. For vegetarians, there’s another fusilli dish, served with pea, mint and Kampot pepper. Avoiding pasta (WHY?!)? There’s a Roquefort and parmesan salad, too.

For dessert came Afrigado: three little cups filled with espresso, vanilla ice cream and Frangelico and served atop a plate. Simply pour the ice cream onto the plate and add the espresso and Frangelico to taste. Mamma mia! Che bello! The medley of three very different and distinct flavours produces little fireworks of joy in the mouth.

Overall, this is a surefire winner on the culinary calendar, with different selections each week. So if you want to impress the Significant Other in your life without frightening your wallet, get down to The Willow on Thursdays from 6pm for a veritable taste of paradise. Henry would have been a regular.

The Willow, #1 Street 21; 092 553743.