15 thoughts on “Rebels & riders”

  1. Pheonix Jay….hmmmm…..what a load of dibble. Do you seriously think the Rebels are just going to let an ‘outsider’ (which is you) just walk in and see their meth labs or where they store their precursor material to make drugs – or how they extort people into paying them off. Of course not!! No, there will be some light humour and a bit of friendly banter with remarks about how they are just “ordinary people” who like to ride bikes….just a bull** cover story. Yes there are people who are involved in non-mainstream motorcycle clubs who just like to ride bikes – this ‘gang’ is not that. You, like many members of the gullible press, eat up this PR with much gusto without ever seriously considering the other possibility. Your story makes for a good fiction piece, but that’s about it.

    Small percentage of Rebels members involved in crime? Really?? You must have missed the results of the ACC’s Operation Attero which reports around 2056 (Rebels) bikies and their associates who were charged for $1.8m in unpaid taxes and $1.2m worth of precursor drugs; and this was just what was found – imagine the amount that still hasn’t been located. Again this is only the tip of the iceberg within their criminal enterprise. I’m sure that you and many others will simply downplay these figures as a “government conspiracy”……another laughable attempt to bury your head in the sand.

    Again – why do you think they are in South East Asia? For the sun and beaches….think hard now.

    1. SC,

      This story was researched over a period of almost six months, a period in which I have spent time with every single member of the Rebels MC here in Cambodia. I’ve met their wives, their girlfriends, their babies. I’ve drank at their bars, ridden my motorcycle alongside them, even danced with them on the sand. As a senior editor with almost two decades’ experience, and having been mentored by some of the finest journalists in the world, I take my job extremely seriously and am hardly likely to allow a bunch of hairy bikers to pull any wool over my eyes.

      In all this time, I have found zero evidence of any – and I mean ANY – illegal activity among the Rebels here in Cambodia (I cannot vouch for Australia because I am not based there). Most of them, in fact, were members of other riding clubs which have since been patched over. To a man, they have treated me with more respect, kindness and compassion than any other group I have encountered in my five years in Cambodia.

      You mention figures. Here’s an interesting one for you: so-called ‘outlaw motorcycle gangs’ are responsible for LESS THAN POINT FOUR PER CENT of all crime in Australia. I’ll say that again, just so that it sinks in: so-called ‘outlaw motorcycle gangs’ are responsible for LESS THAN POINT FOUR PER CENT of all crime in Australia.

      Why are they moving to Southeast Asia? If the authorities in my home country persecuted me simply for wearing a leather vest with a club name on it, I’d bloody move here too. Oh, wait. I already did.

      1. Pheonix – that 4% crap does not fly as that is only reported crime where the victims have enough courage to press on with a complaint or offenders are caught and prosecuted. A known tactic of gang members is to intimidate the victim into not reporting the crime. As for Ben you are the idiot – I don’t even know what your comment is trying to prove there. How is travelling to Cambodia make it any different? The Rebels are OMCGs period.

    2. SC
      Your an idiot , have you even been to Cambodia ? If so have you met these Bikers ? Probably not on both accounts. Regardless I’ve been in Cambodia 20 years ( Not that it makes me an expert ) but i’ve seen the bar and met these guys and i can tell you you’re so far off reality its funny.

    3. S.C you have no idea.. All these so called stats are doctored loads of crap.. give me some history of Rebels owning a meth house?.. just because individual members may commit crime doesn’t mean it is elaborate organized crime

  2. Bikies are hard core these days, sucking balloons hahaha. Never read such a croc of shit! Mind you, the bikies I’ve seen around PP look like mindless twats.

  3. As in all societies there has to be the bad ones, easy targets due to past bad press has indeed got to be bikers … give a dog a bad name etc… Most bikers run as a family, caring for each other and each others family members it’s the same the world over .. Here in the u.k we have our gatherings, we have our runs, we have our protest rides, the things we rarely have are crime and trouble … We use our bikes and our family spirit to raise so much money for charity, that’s something that rarely gets press coverage, we raise hundreds of thousands of pounds with hardly an inch of press coverage, yet one shooting incident involving bikers ran for weeks with t.v and tabloid screaming to curb these gangs … we are not gangs merely clubs and individuals looking to enjoy our bikes and our friendships.

    Stop the authorities persecution of bikers and look for the good in them instead … you’ll find it if you look for it.

  4. Ok.. Usually i’m a “clicker”, and just read and laugh in background but this time i have to give some support to editor against SC bullshit.. As i know editor personally, and most of Cambodian Rebels also, and “Ozzy” is my best friend from since we were 7 years old and i probably caused that he ended up in to Cambodia.. And i ride a lot and spend time with editor and “Ozzy” (i’m a independent biker) so i might know something also.. I don’t know shit about Australia, but in Cambodia those guys are NOT criminals, they cannot be even they want to because it’s Cambodia.. Not Thailand or whatever, it’s totally different planet as you surely know and local big time criminals, mostly with Khmer Rouge background, are so f..kin hardcore so if those guys have something to do with illegal activities, probably they have been “disappeared” already etc, otherwise they must pay shitloads of money what they don’t have..

    That is what i know, and i have balls enough to write this with my own name..

  5. just avoiding misunderstandings due to my not so perfect english, i make some things more clear. first, for what i know, those guys are not criminals based for my experience, kinda “been there, saw that” thing also, and i see lifetime bikers and fathers etc together like David said. i truly love those guys.

    rest is just my own speculations about what lurks in shadows in country what we love so much..

  6. Rebels ha harvey bay chapter just got busted having sex with children thats why they sell drugs to find vunrable children to expoit ive been around most of the are sex offenders the rest turn a blind eye

    1. I would never defend a convicted sex offender (note the critical difference between ‘alleged’ and ‘convicted’), but I think most reasonable people would agree that the real monsters in society are those who would tarnish an entire people with the same brush simply because they share one common denominator. Think Hitler’s persecution of the Jews, for example, or the Khmer Rouge’s attempts to exterminate the intelligentsia. See where I’m going with this?

  7. Enjoyed the hospitality of the Rebels on Saturday night. The most scary thing was the ride on the back of PJ’s bike to the club house (I walked home)!

  8. there are priest who sexually abuse kids , but it s not a reason to close all the churches … One individual doesnt represent the whole groupe . We speak about Rebels in Cambodia in this article ; not worldwide or aussies base . I meet the guys , seems clear not my cup of tea but they don t bother me at all …

  9. As a VP of a club..I must say …we are a family..Leather and patches scare people who don’t know who we are .We are normal people that enjoy riding together as a family..Being from Chicago USA..this what we do…PS..Biker in the U S spends the most money on charity events..and that is a known fact ..All can say is if u are not in an MC…don’t judge by looks only..Thanks..Rock ADMC

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