2 thoughts on “The holiday is over: Pol Pot, Jello Biafra and the legacy of punk rock music”

  1. Learn all about the Ramones in the book;
    Throughout the remarkable twenty-two-year career of the Ramones the seminal
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    Lifetime Achievement Award winners Monte A. Melnick saw it all. He was the
    band’s tour manager from their 1974 CBGB debut to their final show in 1996. Full of insider perspectives and exclusive interviews and packed with over 250 personal color photos & images.

  2. there’s a severe lack of proper research in this article. punk started first in southeast asia in manila in the late 70s, and in malaysia around the same time. also marjinal didn’t start the ball rolling in indonesia it was Anti Septic in Jakarta. marjjinal (previouly known as anti-military) started very late 90s. just stating facts.

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