2 thoughts on “Laura Mam: Making it happen”

  1. You have talent to save khmer, bring back what was lost and improve to its excellency. I hope that the younger generation picked up after you. I like to see cambodia grow like everyone else in the near furture. I’m a light skin cambodian just like u. I llove what you said in the article. We are cbodian with different skin colors. Nation need to view us differently. You don’t need to tan yourself, you are what you said. You are one strong patriotic person. I love that about you! I hope more of you who have those same dream about khmer. God bless you and the country!!

  2. I’m looking forward to see real drama or movie also from you. I hope you can consider doing it. I always watch korean, I wish that cambodian can do drama too. You have the look for it! Please do it!

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